LaurelBridge.DCFExamples.StorageCommitmentSCU Namespace

DICOM Connectivity Framework V3.4
The StorageCommitmentSCU example demonstrates how to use DCF to implement a storage commitment service class user.

Public classProgram
Storage commitment service class user example which should be run with the StorageCommitmentSCP example.

Supported OS Platforms:

  • Windows - .Net Framework 4.7.2 64-bit and 32-bit
  • Windows - .Net Core 2.1 64-bit and 32-bit
  • Linux - .Net Core 2.1 64-bit


StorageCommitmentSCU Sample Code
public class Program
    private static readonly ILogger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

    /// <summary>
    /// Main entry point for StorageCommitmentSCU.
    /// </summary>
    public static void Main()
            // Start an AssociationManager and listen for NEventReport requests as a result of this
            // SCU sending an NAction request to the StorageCommitment SCP.
            NEventReportServer nEventServer = new NEventReportServer(null);
            AssociationManager mgr = new AssociationManager();
            mgr.ServerTcpPort = 10105;
            mgr.AssociationConfigPolicyMgr = nEventServer;

            Thread t = new Thread(mgr.Run);
            if (!mgr.WaitForRunning(2000))
                throw new TimeoutException("AssociationManager did not start in an acceptable amount of time");

            DCF.Dicom.Store.StorageCommitmentSCU scu = null;

                StorageCommitmentRequest request = CreateStorageCommitmentRq();
                scu = CreateSCU();

                Console.WriteLine("Outgoing NAction Request: {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, request);
                DimseMessage response = scu.NAction(request, 30, 30);
                Console.WriteLine("Incoming NAction Response: {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, response);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception caught sending nAction request: {0}{1}Please verify the Storage Commitment SCP is up and running", e, Environment.NewLine);
                Environment.ExitCode = 1;
                if (scu != null && scu.Connected)

            if (!mgr.WaitForStopped(2000))
                throw new OperationCanceledException("mgr failed to stop");
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception caught during execution: {0}", e);

    private static DCF.Dicom.Store.StorageCommitmentSCU CreateSCU()
        AssociationInfo ainfo = new AssociationInfo();
        ainfo.CallingTitle = "SCU";
        ainfo.CalledTitle = "SCP";
        ainfo.CalledPresentationAddress = "localhost:" + 10104;

        // Add the requested presentation context
        RequestedPresentationContext ctx = new RequestedPresentationContext(
            Uids.ELE, Uids.ILE);

        return new DCF.Dicom.Store.StorageCommitmentSCU(ainfo);

    /// <summary>
    /// Build our storage commitment request containing the datasets to be stored.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The StorageCommitmentRequest to be send to the StorageCommitment SCP.</returns>
    private static StorageCommitmentRequest CreateStorageCommitmentRq()
        using (DicomFileInput dfi = new DicomFileInput("mr-knee.dcm", new DicomSessionSettings()))
            DicomDataSet dds = dfi.ReadDataSetNoPixels();
            StorageCommitmentRequest request = new StorageCommitmentRequest();
            request.TransactionUid = DataDictionary.CreateUid();

            List<ReferencedSopSequence> items = new List<ReferencedSopSequence>();
            // item 1: MR-Knee
            ReferencedSopSequence refSopSequenceItem = new ReferencedSopSequence();
            refSopSequenceItem.ReferencedSopClassUid = dds.GetElementStringValue(Tags.SOPClassUID);
            refSopSequenceItem.ReferencedSopInstanceUid = dds.GetElementStringValue(Tags.SOPInstanceUID);

            // item 2: Bogus image used to demonstrate failures in the NEventReport sent from the StorageCommitment SCP
            refSopSequenceItem = new ReferencedSopSequence();
            refSopSequenceItem.ReferencedSopClassUid = "";
            refSopSequenceItem.ReferencedSopInstanceUid = "";


            return request;

    /// <summary>
    /// Class to handle sending and receiving storage commitment requests/responses.
    /// </summary>
    class NEventReportServer : AssociationListenerAdapter, IAssociationConfigPolicyManager
        readonly IList<AllowedPresentationContext> _presentationContexts;

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a StorageCommitmentSCU to send requests to the StorageCommitmentSCP on localhost
        /// using the given port number.
        /// </summary>
        public NEventReportServer(IList<AllowedPresentationContext> allowedPresentationContexts)
            _presentationContexts = allowedPresentationContexts;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a DicomSessionSettings object to be used for the association.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assoc">The AssociationAcceptor for the given association</param>
        /// <returns>A default DicomSessionSettings object</returns>
        public DicomSessionSettings GetSessionSettings(AssociationAcceptor assoc)
            return new DicomSessionSettings();

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a storage commitment SCU message handler to handle the interaction between the SCU and SCP
        /// regarding the status of the storage commitment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assoc">The AssociationAcceptor for the given association.</param>
        public override void BeginAssociation(AssociationAcceptor assoc)
            assoc.RegisterServiceClassProvider(new StorageCommitmentNEventReportSCP(assoc, _presentationContexts, NEventReport));

        private NEventReportResponse NEventReport(AssociationAcceptor acceptor, NEventReportRequest request)
            Logger.InfoFormat("Incoming NEventReport Request: {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, request);
            NEventReportResponse response = new NEventReportResponse(request);
            Logger.InfoFormat("Outgoing NEventReport Response: {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, response);
            return response;