Options Properties

DICOM Connectivity Framework V3.4

The Options type exposes the following members.


Public propertyDoMove
True to perform a C-MOVE operation using Study Instance UID (0020,000D), False to perform a C-FIND operation using Patients Name (0010,0010). In either case, the MatchingAttribute is used for the element value.
Public propertyPort
The port number on which to perform the FIND or MOVE.
Public propertyQueryTags
The attribute tag and string value separated by an equals sign that is to be inserted into the query request. Non-empty values specify query search criteria; empty values specify return values. More than one may be given.
Public propertyUseEnumerable
Whether to use the FIND or MOVE method type that uses an IQueryListener or that directly returns an IEnumerable. When True, return an IEnumerable; when False, use an IQueryListener.
See Also
