LaurelBridge.DCF.Examples.StorageCommitmentSCP Namespace

DICOM Connectivity Framework V3.4
The StorageCommitmentSCP example demonstrates how to use DCF to implement the DICOM requirements of a storage requirement service class provider.

Public classProgram
Storage commitment service class provider example which should be run with the StorageCommitmentSCU example.

StorageCommitmentSCP Sample Code
public class Program
    private static readonly ILogger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

    /// <summary>
    /// Main entry point for StorageCommitmentSCP.
    /// </summary>
    public static void Main()
            // Create the Storage Commitment server, which constitutes the main SCP functionality
            CallbackStorageCommitmentServer server = new CallbackStorageCommitmentServer();

            // Create the association manager that will handle incoming associations from the SCU
            AssociationManager mgr = new AssociationManager();
            mgr.ServerTcpPort = 104;
            mgr.AssociationConfigPolicyMgr = server;

            // blocks, so start him listening for connections on a separate thread
            Thread t = new Thread(mgr.Run);
            if (!mgr.WaitForRunning(2000))
                throw new TimeoutException("AssociationManager did not start in an acceptable amount of time");

            Console.WriteLine("listening on {0}...", 104);
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception caught during execution: {0}", e);

    /// <summary>
    /// Class used to handle communication with the StorageCommitment SCU. 
    /// </summary>
    internal class CallbackStorageCommitmentServer : AssociationListenerAdapter, IAssociationConfigPolicyManager
        readonly IList<AllowedPresentationContext> _presentationContexts;

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a CallbackStorageCommitmentServer.
        /// </summary>
        public CallbackStorageCommitmentServer()
            : this(null)

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a CallbackStoreServer using the list of allowed 
        /// presentation contexts for incoming associations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allowedPresentationContexts">The list of presentation contexts that will be allowed.</param>
        public CallbackStorageCommitmentServer(IList<AllowedPresentationContext> allowedPresentationContexts)
            _presentationContexts = allowedPresentationContexts;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a DicomSessionSettings object to be used for the association.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assoc">The AssociationAcceptor for the given association.</param>
        /// <returns>A default DicomSessionSettings object.</returns>
        public DicomSessionSettings GetSessionSettings(AssociationAcceptor assoc)
            return new DicomSessionSettings();

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a StorageCommitmentNActionSCP object to handle the association that caused this 'beginAssociation' method to be called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assoc">The AssociationAcceptor for the given association.</param>
        public override void BeginAssociation(AssociationAcceptor assoc)
            assoc.RegisterServiceClassProvider(new StorageCommitmentNActionSCP(assoc, _presentationContexts, NAction));

        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the incoming NAction request for a storage commitment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="acceptor">The AssociationAcceptor for the given association.</param>
        /// <param name="request">The inbound NActionRequest</param>
        /// <returns>The successful NActionResponse.</returns>
        public NActionResponse NAction(AssociationAcceptor acceptor, NActionRequest request)
            Logger.InfoFormat("Incoming NAction Request: {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, request);
            NActionResponse response = new NActionResponse(request);

            // Perform the actual store commit on another thread. This is the thread that
            // will send the NEventReportRequest back to the SCU when the store commit has finished.
            // Note that this NEventReportRequest does not have to be on the same association the NActionRequest 
            // came on because of the fact the SCU is not obligated to keep the association active.
            Thread scThread = new Thread(() => SendNEventReportRequest(acceptor, request));

            Logger.InfoFormat("Outgoing NAction Response: {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, response);
            return response;

        /// <summary>
        /// Here is where the actual storage commitment occurs. Once completed, the NEventReportReq 
        /// is sent to the SCU using the association information from the given association acceptor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="acceptor">The association acceptor from the NAction request, containing the information needed
        /// to send a request back to the StorageCommitment SCU.</param>
        /// <param name="request">The incoming NActionRequest, containing the data to be stored.</param>
        private void SendNEventReportRequest(AssociationAcceptor acceptor, NActionRequest request)
            StorageCommitmentRequest scRequest = new StorageCommitmentRequest(request.Data);
            StorageCommitmentResult scResult = new StorageCommitmentResult();

            StorageCommitmentEventType eventTypeId = PerformStorageCommitment(scRequest, scResult);

            NEventReportRequest reportRequest = new StorageCommitmentNEventReportRequest(scResult.DataSet, eventTypeId);
            AssociationInfo nEventAInfo = CreateNEventAssociationInfo(acceptor);
            reportRequest.ContextId = nEventAInfo.RequestedPresentationContextList[0].Id;
            AssociationRequester requester = null;

                requester = new AssociationRequester(nEventAInfo);
                Logger.InfoFormat("Outgoing NEventReportRequest: {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, reportRequest);

                requester.SendDimseMessage(reportRequest, -1);

                DimseMessage reportResponse = requester.ReceiveDimseMessage(nEventAInfo.AcceptedPresentationContextList[0].Id, -1);
                Logger.InfoFormat("Incoming NEventReportResponse: {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, reportResponse);
                if (requester != null && requester.Connected)

        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the requested storage commitment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The StorageCommitmentRequest message receieved from the NAction request.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Fill in this StorageCommitmentResult object with the results of the commit.</param>
        /// <returns>The event type id. 1 for all instances committed, 2 if there were any failures.</returns>
        private StorageCommitmentEventType PerformStorageCommitment(StorageCommitmentRequest request, StorageCommitmentResult result)
            StorageCommitmentEventType eventTypeId = StorageCommitmentEventType.RequestCompleteFailuresExist; // because we are adding a failed instance below

            List<ReferencedSopSequence> successSops = new List<ReferencedSopSequence>();
            List<FailedSopSequence> failedSops = new List<FailedSopSequence>();

            // Run the list of Referenced SOP Sequences that were in the N-ACTION-RQ and commit them.
            for (int i = 0; i < request.GetReferencedSopSequenceCount(); i++)
                ReferencedSopSequence seq = request.ReferencedSopSequence(i);
                string refSopUid = seq.ReferencedSopClassUid.Trim(MiscUtil.DicomTrimChars);
                string refSopInstanceUid = seq.ReferencedSopInstanceUid.Trim(MiscUtil.DicomTrimChars);

                // Here is where the actual Store would occur. Had we actually attempted to store here,
                // we could have checked the file was successfully written to disk, and report those sops that failed.
                if (refSopUid.StartsWith("1.2.840"))
                else // add our bogus image to the list of failures
                    FailedSopSequence failedSeq = new FailedSopSequence();
                    failedSeq.ReferencedSopClassUid = refSopUid;
                    failedSeq.ReferencedSopInstanceUid = refSopInstanceUid;

            if (successSops.Count > 0)

            if (failedSops.Count > 0)

            // don't forget to set the transaction uid in the result
            result.TransactionUid = request.TransactionUid;
            return eventTypeId;

        /// <summary>
        /// Create the AssociationInfo to be used to send the NEventReq to the SCU notifying of the completion of
        /// the storage commitment action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="acceptor">The incoming AssociationAcceptor for the NActionReq containing information from the SCU.</param>
        /// <returns>The AssociationInfo to be used to communicate with the SCU on a new association.</returns>
        private static AssociationInfo CreateNEventAssociationInfo(AssociationAcceptor acceptor)
            string callingTitle = acceptor.AssociationInfo.CallingTitle;
            AEEntry defaultAEEntry = new AEEntry(new DicomAddress("localhost", 105, callingTitle), new DicomSessionSettings());
            IAEEntry aeEntry = DataDictionary.GetAEEntryForName(callingTitle, defaultAEEntry);

            AssociationInfo nEventAInfo = new AssociationInfo();
            nEventAInfo.CallingTitle = acceptor.AssociationInfo.CalledTitle;
            nEventAInfo.CalledTitle = aeEntry.AETitle;
            nEventAInfo.CalledPresentationAddress = aeEntry.Host + ":" + aeEntry.Port;

            RequestedPresentationContext ctx = new RequestedPresentationContext(
                Uids.ELE, Uids.ILE);
            return nEventAInfo;