Database Methods

DICOM Connectivity Framework V3.4

The Database type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberContainsImage
Determines if an image already exists in the database for the specified ImageRecord.
Public methodStatic memberContainsPatient
Determines if a patient already exists in the database for the specified PatientRecord.
Public methodStatic memberContainsSeries
Determines if a series already exists in the database for the specified SeriesRecord.
Public methodStatic memberContainsStudy
Determines if a study already exists in the database for the specified StudyRecord.
Public methodStatic memberGetMatchingImageRecords(SqlCeConnection, ImageRecord)
Gets all of the ImageRecords in the database that match the information specified by the query object.
Public methodStatic memberGetMatchingImageRecords(SqlCeConnection, PatientRecord)
Gets the matching ImageRecord objects for the specified PatientRecord.
Public methodStatic memberGetMatchingImageRecords(SqlCeConnection, SeriesRecord)
Gets the matching ImageRecord objects for the specified SeriesRecord.
Public methodStatic memberGetMatchingImageRecords(SqlCeConnection, StudyRecord)
Gets the matching ImageRecord objects for the specified StudyRecord.
Public methodStatic memberGetMatchingPatientRecords
Gets all of the PatientRecords in the database that match the information specified by the query object.
Public methodStatic memberGetMatchingSeriesRecords
Gets all of the SeriesRecords in the database that match the information specified by the query object.
Public methodStatic memberGetMatchingStudyRecords
Gets all of the StudyRecords in the database that match the information specified by the query object.
Public methodStatic memberGetMoveDestination
Gets the RemoteDevice configured for the specified moveAE title.
Public methodStatic memberGetRemoteDevices
Gets the list (if any) of remote devices that match the info specified by the AssociationAcceptor.
Public methodStatic memberInsertImage
Inserts the specified ImageRecord into the database.
Public methodStatic memberInsertPatient
Inserts the specified PatientRecord into the database.
Public methodStatic memberInsertSeries
Inserts the specified SeriesRecord into the database.
Public methodStatic memberInsertStudy
Inserts the specified StudyRecord into the database.
See Also
