LaurelBridge.DCF.Examples.DicomDirOps Namespace

DICOM Connectivity Framework V3.4
The DicomDirOps example demonstates how to use DCF to perform file set operations related to DICOMDIRs.

Public classProgram
This example demonstrates how to create a new DICOMDIR, and how to update an existing one.

DicomDirOps Sample Code
public class Program
    private static readonly ILogger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

    /// <summary>
    /// Main entry point for DicomDirOps.
    /// </summary>
    public static void Main()
            string assemblyLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyLocation))
                assemblyLocation = ".";
            string imagesDir = Path.Combine(assemblyLocation, "ExampleDicomDir");
            string study1ImagesDir = Path.Combine(imagesDir, "Study1");
            string study2ImagesDir = Path.Combine(imagesDir, "Study2");
            string dicomDirFilePath = Path.Combine(imagesDir, "DICOMDIR");

            // Delete the existing DICOMDIR file
            if (File.Exists(dicomDirFilePath))

            // Create the DicomDirectoryRecord using the given directory tree and save to disk
            DicomDir dicomDir = FileSetCreate(study1ImagesDir);
            Logger.InfoFormat("Dicom Directory Record:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, dicomDir.RootDir);

            // Now update the existing DicomDirectoryRecord using the given directory
            DicomDir updatedDicomDir = FileSetUpdate(dicomDirFilePath, study2ImagesDir);
            Logger.InfoFormat("Updated Dicom Directory Record:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, updatedDicomDir.RootDir);
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception caught during execution: {0}", e);

        if (Debugger.IsAttached)
            Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . ");

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new Dicom Directory Record from the list of files contained in the given input directory.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="imageDir">The directory containing the images to add to the directory record.</param>
    /// <returns>The Dicom Directory Record containing information about the containing files from the input
    /// directory path, or null if there was an error.</returns>
    private static DicomDir FileSetCreate(string imageDir)
        DicomDir dicomDir = new DicomDir();

        DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(imageDir);

        // Our example Dicom files have the '.dcm' extension, but this is by no means mandatory.
        foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
            // ignore any .txt file in the directory
            if (file.Extension == ".txt")

            using (DicomFileInput dfi = new DicomFileInput(file.FullName))
                DicomDataSet imageDs = dfi.ReadDataSetNoPixels();

                DicomDirectoryRecord root = dicomDir.RootDir;
                PatientDirectoryRecord patient = PatientDirectoryRecord.Find(root, imageDs, true, true);
                StudyDirectoryRecord study = StudyDirectoryRecord.Find(patient, imageDs, true, true);
                SeriesDirectoryRecord series = SeriesDirectoryRecord.Find(study, imageDs, true, true);
                if (ImageDirectoryRecord.Exists(series, imageDs))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("a matching image record already exists under that series");
                ImageDirectoryRecord image = ImageDirectoryRecord.Create(series, imageDs, true);
                image.ReferencedFileId = file.Name;

        return dicomDir;

    private static DicomDir FileSetUpdate(string dicomDirFilePath, string dir)
        DicomDir dicomDir = new DicomDir(dicomDirFilePath);

        DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(dir);

        // Our example Dicom files have the '.dcm' extension, but this is by no means mandatory.
        foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
            // ignore any .txt file in the directory
            if (file.Extension == ".txt")

            using (DicomFileInput dfi = new DicomFileInput(file.FullName))
                DicomDataSet imageDs = dfi.ReadDataSetNoPixels();

                DicomDirectoryRecord root = dicomDir.RootDir;
                PatientDirectoryRecord patient = PatientDirectoryRecord.Find(root, imageDs, true, true);
                StudyDirectoryRecord study = StudyDirectoryRecord.Find(patient, imageDs, true, true);
                SeriesDirectoryRecord series = SeriesDirectoryRecord.Find(study, imageDs, true, true);
                if (ImageDirectoryRecord.Exists(series, imageDs))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("a matching image record already exists under that series");
                ImageDirectoryRecord image = ImageDirectoryRecord.Create(series, imageDs, true);
                image.ReferencedFileId = file.Name;

        return dicomDir;